Survey Cultural Participation and Cultural Indicators Audience Survey
The Cultural Participation and Cultural Indicators Audience Survey was used to develop a draft indicator framework. The cultural indicators present an integrated model of cultural citizenship - highlighting how diverse forms of cultural participation generate new forms of capital and belonging, and contribute to cultural citizenship.
The aims of the community survey were to:
1) Test potential measures for inclusion in the indicator framework, and 2) Provide a current snapshot of cultural participation, levels of capital and resources for participation, and forms of belonging within culturally diverse communities.
From the ethnography to the survey:
In Years 2 and 3 of the project an ethnography was carried out examining everyday cultural activity and cultural citizenship. The ethnography consisted of 20 interviews with community participants in the City of Whittlesea.
The findings from the community ethnography were subjected to an extensive coding and analysis process. These findings were organised into 3 key categories of cultural citizenship: participation, capitals and belonging.
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Research Unit in Public Cultures
Created: 12 August 2016, Last modified: 20 July 2017